

  • many thanks for the advise :)
  • when it says to keep your core tight in all the exercises am i right in assuming it means engage your core or just clench your stomach muscles all the time ? maybe this sounds a silly question but never really understood its true meaning - any hints would be cool cheers :)
  • Definately go at your own pace... If you need to stop then walking around the room for a fwe moments and catch your breathe then try a fit a few more in at the end of each exercise dont expect to be super woman on the first day... its all about loosening up your muscles and building endurance in the first 4 weeks :) Good…
  • yeah fitness test on monday so looking forwards to it, as long as i can manage more than the first ill be in a better state of mind :)
  • words of wisdom :) Many thanks for the tips - i am a stubborn person and determined with it, just sometimes need that shake up and kick in the pants lol. I dont check the weight as well aware that muscle weighs more than fat but its the inches in obsessed with, I was always a much fitter leaner person in my 20's and 30's…
  • Hi there I am currently onto day 11 of the program and even tho i have managed to loose 1.5 inches of my waste its a struggle to stay focused as doing it alone so have come here for some morale support :)