

  • OK, so I have been ever faithful to doing my JM video every morning... in addtion to either C25K or 30 minutes on my elliptical. I completed my 7th workout this morning (still doing level one) and I have lost 7 puonds for the week. I could REALLY kick myself for not taking the time to measure myself. When should I move up…
  • Well, I did Day 2 of Level one. I have GOT to remember to do my measurements... gee! I am sore but in a good way. I am actually looking forward to in the morning when I do the third round of C25K. I started that Sunday. Tuesday I did C25K and then day one of shred... Lawd! I thought, what am I thinking... but I LOVE the…
  • I have been tinkering around with the MFP app... so this is new to me. I did order the Jillian Michaels 30 day shred (and a few other DVD's of hers) the other day so I'm just waiting for them to come in. I also started the C25K yesterday. I have been working on my weigh off and on for a while now and felt the need to kick…