

  • haha, Good for you man! Good Luck!
  • I tell you what man, you got a lot of responses, but I really hope you read the ones that matter. You obviously posted this for a reason other than to just tell people your giving up. I have a desk job, but I do a lot of physical labor on weekends and I will gain weight sometimes no matter how hard I worked. Most of the…
  • I weigh myself every morning, but I only record on Sunday mornings. I think it depends on the person for how often they should. If your going to stress over the tiniest increase or lack of loss then you should probably avoid weighing in daily as it could discourage you. If you find that it motivates you, like me, then why…
  • I slowly incorporated specific types of veggies into my diet at first. Now it's pretty easy to get the servings I need as long as I plan meals ahead. Most of my veggie intake comes from what I add to meals/recipes for dinner and I’ll purposely make extra for leftovers for lunch the next day to double a particular serving…