noemivillar Member


  • He's very happy and supportive that I finally decided to do something. He's somehow active and used to go to the gym and I was super lazy. He's been telling me for years to join a gym or to exercise so when I told him last month that I was going to start working out, I don't think he believed me. He's seen that I've been…
  • Hi there! I'm already 30 and fairly new to MFP, too.
  • Damn, girl! Your pictures look AWE-SOME!! I'm getting discouraged, REALLY. I'm not doing the 30 day shred program to lose weight per se (I'm 5,1 and 122 pounds as of yesterday) but I'd like to get rid of my fat belly. That's always been my problem area-my stomach. I've only been doing the 30 day shred for 12 days, though…