buffhistory Member


  • It is very common to have difficulty losing inches at your waist, especially if it tends to be the spot you gain at most. Check other measurements, like chest, hips, legs, and/or arms to see how they're progressing. It will come off all in good time. Make sure your cardio is at the right intensity (use either MHR…
  • As of my most recent physical, apart from the weight gain, I'm (as my primary care doctor put it) "In perfect health." But I am always on the lookout for my longterm health. As for mental health..I would like to start seeing a counselor.
  • Thank you very much. And I truly appreciate the kind advice from everyone.
  • Thanks everyone for the advice. I know I should be eating more considering how much I exercise...but I'm just afraid of gaining even more than I have been. Heck, maybe I wouldn't. I have considered the idea that I am just not eating enough, and thus my body is holding onto anything and everything. I also have been…
  • I feel like the 16th can't come soon enough. I've heard that you don't feel "normal" until TSH is more around 1. Mine used to be at 3.3, then 4.1, and I have no idea what it is just now. I'd image even higher! I too track my numbers for everything (not necessarily on MFP, but just in journals. I have a heart rate monitor…
  • @myfavouritemu That's how I feel too - it just seems like doctors seem to be wanting to treat the blood test, whilst disregarding my symptoms (weight gain, losing my eyebrows, fatigue, intolerance to heat/cold, et cetera...)
  • @cmeirun Yup. I use a food scale, measuring cups and spoons (for nut butters, oils, et cetera).