

  • Sunflower seeds: 884 calories/100g !:D Wow, thank you all, I realize now what is my problem: I need to take small steps! But I'm so impatient. You know what was my start like? I ate the whole pie one day and then I said to myself that from tomorrow on, I am not consuming more than 1200 calories a day. And starting…
  • I do not think it is so good...but maybe it depends. From garderobe planning perpective it is a very bad idea. I have jeans I bought "to wear when I will be thinner" (they fit me, but not really well). But years passed by, and I didn't... And this is sooo frustrating. So do it only if you are 100 percent sure that you will…
  • Yeah, it really helps! You can get the same level of enjoyment by buying another pack of cookies and, for example, some kind of vegetable that you never cooked before, only the latter is way healthier:) You know what I mean? But you know, there are two things...I realize it now, First, sometimes you are too busy to make…
  • Do you think that you can ever completely get rid of that? Because you know, one terrible thing about addictions is that sooner or later, you might start doing it again, in no time, to the same extent. So you can;t say you have overcome your addiction 100 percent... Well I have been biting my nails for the greater part of…