I heard that the rule of thumb (from a nutrition class) for cereal, is at least 2g of fiber and less than 6g of sugar per portion. Psyllium fiber cereal is good for you but not very tasty. You can add it to yogurt. I eat all bran or whole wheat Cheerios (not multigrain, it has more sugar). As an alternative, I like to eat…
I'm glad you have that dog Renegade. We all need something to live for.
Yes, I am. :)
Nice to meet all of you!
Nice to meet you all :)
Thank you for adding me Felicity, perhaps we can help each others.
No, I don't sign, except a bit with my brother to help communication (he's recently completely deaf but a good lip reader). I wear an hearing aid. When I sign it's in LSQ tho, not ASL.
When I overthink it all I say "STOP! Just do it" I also love this quote from Earl Nightindale : "Never give up on a dream because of the time it will take to accomplish it. The time will pass anyway."
Hi, I'm new and a bit shy about adding people. Do we just add anyone? I'm at 248 pounds right now and the middle of my BMI says 148, but i'd like to go down to 175 and see from there. So i need to lose 75-100 pounds. I'm 31 and in a wheelchair. Anyone can add me.
I'm new too, I don't have any contacts. I'd like to get help and motivation too.