

  • Alright ya'll. I am very excited to get back to the gym tomorrow! Due to work, I produce the West Coasts biggest Boat Shows, I have not been able to get to the gym. I have trail run a few times when I had some time, but after 2 months of 18 hour days I really need to get back on track. I go to the gym every morning with my…
  • Hey all! Something weird happened to my app and all my requests for friends got canceled, all my friends got removed, and all my incoming requests were deleted! I got customer support to help me, but would you all add me back if we were once friends? I will send new requests out too. PS, Had a "bad" food weekend. It was…
  • I am very interested in joining this group and adding friends. I have been keeping a food diary for almost five years now and lost 40 pounds, only to slowly gain back 20 of it. I am reinvigorated to get back down to my healthy weight and stay there - with a little help from my friends. :) - My worst times are the weekends.…
  • You are never too fat to wear a bikini. We may not feel our most comfortable when we wear bikini's, but it can also motivate you to compliment yourself rather than tear yourself down. Learning to love yourself is the biggest hurdle we all face. Wear it with the best accessory - a smile!