It kind of depends for me. I prelogged my lunch but will be doing my dinner as I go. When I work, I do not pre-log. When I do not work, I pre-log. Kind of backwards. =p
OP, this is a wonderful post; thank you for the 'tough' love that you dished out! Weight loss is not about mollycoddling people! Most need it tough or they'll get soft and quit. I know I did. Often.
Hello! I am almost a week in after not visiting the site for, well, almost a year! I am looking to loose 20 pounds or so. Please add me! =)
Hi there! I am in my twenties, looking to loose about 20 pounds slowly but steadily so that I might keep it off permanently. Feel free to add me! =)
There is a brand of water called HINT. It is water with just a hint of flavor to it. Pretty good. And it has no calories. =)
Hey! Same boat. Started and stopped 3 times now! This time I feel motivated though; at least more than I was the other times. I will add you. Good luck! =)
It is great that you posted this! TFM is selling cabbage at something like 19 cents a pound right now and I am dying to buy some and cook it. Will be keeping an eye on this thread. =)
You're way of thinking and mine are quite similar. I have not started going to the gym (yet) but have been making my way towards a cleaner plan of eating (with chocolate slip-ups... A lot). Good luck to you, Alice! =)
Hello! 23 year old about to finish up her associate's degree! I am 5'6" and 140 pounds. Trying to get down to 120-125. =) Hoping to achieve my goal by the time I move next year (July or so). Can't wait!
Hello everyone! I am just starting out and also would love to look at diaries. Do add me. =)
Ooh. Thanks for the link!! This is what I have been hunting for.
Thank you very much for the response, Prattiger65. However, the problem with your idea (for me, of course) is that I have spent the year hardly eating fruits and barely eating vegetables. I reach for chocolate and cookies, candy and sweets. There is nothing in that so I really should not continue eating what I am eating…
I will be starting January 1st as well! Do add me, everyone. I really want to stick to it this time. =) January 1st is a good start date for me because it gives me a few more days of research, of figuring out what I enjoy eating and what I do not so that I do not get discouraged because I can't find items that are not only…
Thank you all for your comments! I will stick with logging my teas as water as long as they are herbal and don't have anything extra added to them. Happy New Year! =)
After I graduated from high school and began partying, I stopped caring about my weight and only cared about partying and all the aspects with it. One wrong move and I fell into depression which I nursed by eating as much crap as I possibly could. Couple that with moving, I had gained 20 pounds in too short a period of…
Hello! June is my 'get off my butt and DO something instead of always wishing for it' month. From today on my goals are simple: 1. Eat healthy. Fast food 3 times a day is gross! 2. Exercise. I have always been lazy. I will change this! 3. Drink water. And do not forget to do this!