

  • Thank you for your well wishes. Another challenge in this ever changing world.
  • Thank you for your well wishes......each day brings one a little bit closer.
  • Hello: thank you for your well wishes. This is a lot but little by little it's gotta work. I'll keep trying.
  • HI Aunt Karen: It is trully the HABIT thing, I miss the habit of smoking and now it seems I have to eat every two hours. You can't imagine how much fiber I have been eatting with cereal. I try to add more fruits and veggies into my diet also. I need to incorporate more movement into my day also. Once this weather breaks,…
  • It's me again: Darsmom (actually Carol is my name). I am also going to try what I saw on TV yesterday: walking in place for 10 minutes and then you can add different steps to the walking......this will be easier on me. We also have a mini farm so I tend to outside animals and this gets me out of the house and busy and…
  • Hello: I'm a grandmother of 4 boys. I recently have quit smoking and trying to loose weight also. Altho both are a struggle but I am making some leeee-waaaayyy.
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