

  • Okay...after day 2 I have lost an additional 1.1 pounds for a total of 4.4 in two days. I felt better yesterday, but didn't sleep as well last night. I am looking forward to Cream of Broc. soup today!
  • Thanks for the wonderful welcome! I made it through day one. I was so tired last night by 7:00pm, I couldn't wait for my 1 year old, and 4 year old to go to bed at 8:00pm. Seemed like forever. The funny thing was, it took me awhile to fall asleep but once I did, I slept through the night! I havn't done that since before I…
  • Hello fellow planners! I am Ginger. I am on day 1 and was excited to start. When making the foods last night (I prepped for the 3 day cleanse) I was looking forward to the foods today. Although, I almost puked after eating the flax and coco milk this morning. Disgusting. I like the flax granola by itself but once I added…