schobert101 Member


  • Absolutely agree!!
  • Is the shortness of breath only with exercise or also at rest? Obviously no one on these boards can diagnose or reassure you and since I am an MD I might be considered more qualified than most. If you are short of breath at rest and it is new I would not even wait until tomorrow, I would go to an ER as soon as possible.…
  • The machine doesn't know what your true maximum heart rate is. Even if you put in your age and statistics it uses a standard formula for calculating heart rate ranges. My true maximum heart rate is approximately 30 beats per minute higher than the one given by formulas. One's maximum heart rate is mostly genetic and not a…
  • Not normally. I would look for other causes.
  • Yes you can
  • Just change your goal to zero weight loss and the maintenance calories will be calculated for you.
  • Quote "Although, Jane weighs 250lbs, it doesn't mean that she has to lose 100lbs of scale weight. She can lose 100% of 60 pounds of fat and get down to 190 pounds of scale weight and have a lean look. " Ummm, no she can't. Although I understand what you are trying to say (and yes I read your whole post) and overall I agree…
  • You cannot lose fat selectively without losing muscle. If you are in calorie deficit you will lose both. You can minimize the muscle loss by smaller caloric deficit, focusing on weight/strength training etc. To actually gain muscle you would need to be in caloric excess and your weight would increase.
  • Here is another thought. I guess you feel you are dicriminated against for being short................I'm going to argue (jokingly) that I'm being discriminated against for being old since BMR fluctuated with age. Although I'm 5'8" at my age of 58 my BMR is only 1267 but at your age of 27 it is 1417 (if you were my…
  • It doesn't have to do with being short but more with how close you are to heatlhy weight or goal. When you are closer to normal weight your total daily calorie expenditure is closer to your BMI and there just isn't that much room between. I'm 5'8' and I set my activity level to sedentary and my BMR is only 1290 and my TEE…
  • This is an unanswerable question. Everyone's feet and biomechanics are different so what works for one person could be the wrong thing for the next. Get fitted at a good running store, not an athletic store in a mall. They should watch you run and look at your gait and ask questions about your mileage etc and put you in…
  • Yes I swim in addition to lots of other sports. Since I tweaked my knee biking a couple of weeks ago I"m trying to rest it and swimming is great as it has no impact on joints so I will be mostly swimming this week.
  • wow, there are a lot of wrong answers on this post. Chuckyp is correct though. You DIVIDE the km time by 0.62 to get the mile time. You would multiply the Mile time by 0.62 to get the km time.
  • For mechanics and techinique you may want to look at Chi Running. It is sort of big in my area mostly because the guy who 'invented' and promotes it lives about 25 miles from me in Asheville, NC. Coincidentally I attended a 4 hour workshop this morning on the technique. Main reason I went was that I won the grand prize in…
  • I am an internal medicine physician, retired and have prescribed the drug for years. As I'm sure you know all medicines have potential side effects and some of the patient information sheets can scare a person to death. Beta blockers dower BP and heart rate and stopping suddenly can increase both. In someone without…
  • I like Podrunner podcasts mainly because each is an hour long at the same tempo. The tempos range from the 130's to 180 beats per minute. Plus they are free. You can find the site by a web search or get them through ITunes.
  • There is so much misinformation in this post. Azdak's reply is right on but I think the implications of his cryptic response flew over everyone's heads. It is much more complicated than I want to spend the time explaining but it bothers me that the responders are all taking this for gospel, thanking the original poster for…
  • slices it up and stir fry with brococoli, mushrooms, celery, onions or other vegetables. I use a bottled stir fry sauce after it is mostly cooked to flavor the whole dish
  • Its very high caloric a small amount is a lot of calories so be sure to weigh and measure.
  • Technically this is correct but most of us don't bother with the calculations since the calorie counts and exercise burns are relatively inaccurate anyway and the amount is rather small. What many of us do is not to fully eat all the exercise calories all the time so we have a little leeway.
  • Your maximum heart rate is mostly genetically determined and not a matter of fitness or training. You can pretty much throw out the standard formulas. By the formula my max would be 162 (220-my age of 58). At 162 I'm not even breaking a sweat . My true max is around 190. It sounds like you have a high maximum and if so…
  • I am an Internal medicine physician (retired one year ago). Coincidentally my husband was tentativey diagnosed with ALS two years ago. We got a second opinion from an ALS specialist at a large medical center which is what you should do. My husband does not have the disease, probably had the quadriceps atrophy from a bum…
  • 23 cycling miles would be nowhere near 2500 calories. For me I'm usually 30-35 calories per mile and running or walking is about 100 calories per mile for most people.. The calorie burn you quoted would be more likely if you ran or walked 23 miles than biked that distance.
  • I wouldn't go so far as to generalize that this is the case all the time for everyone. I have compared my running and biking and for me the HRM and MFP are spot on. But for hiking MFP gives me more. So even for the same person it may be different for different activities. I guess I am somewhat different than everyone on…
  • Go to TOOLS and calculate your BMI. It will give you a goal range for your height. I'm aware of the limitations of using BMI f or very muscular persons but that is a standardized calculation that will give you a range and which you can reference for persons feeling you might be losing too much. With your current stats at…
  • I have one of the Tanita scales. It is great for weight but all over the place for body fat and I find it pretty much useless for that. It is highly dependent on status of hydration and which setting I use......athlete or regular. Athlete per the instruction manual is defined as 10 or more hours per week of aerobic…
  • I have worn my HRM cycling and found that MFPs calculations were almost identical for me......hence I don't routinely use the HRM. I rode 30 miles today and got about 1000 calorie burn for about 2:40 riding time.
  • I"m confused. You say you aren't seeing the weight come off and then go on to say you lost 7 pounds in about 6 weeks. That is an excellent rate of loss. Not quite sure exactly what you are expecting but what you are doing is in fact working and I probably wouldn't change anything.
  • Iron deficiency doesn't cause bruising. Excessive bruising is not normal and should not be related to the weight loss diet. Advise see your doctor as the list of possibilities is too numerous to list. some serious, some not but you need blood tests to check platelet count and how your blood clots etc, a careful review of…
  • This ^^^^