

  • OK so I'm going to be upping my calories to 1800, if I chill out on working out some.. say burn only 300 then at least half of those burn I'd need to eat back also? So around 1950 all together? If I'm understanding everyone right? I really enjoy all my workouts so should I alternate between days on which one to do? And…
  • Okay! I'm taking everyone's advice in and I really do appreciate it. Its really helpful to know what to look out for and keep up with. So everyone I'm going to try and change it up a bit. Maybe slow down on the workouts and eat a little more. I want this to.become a part of my life. I know if I do it too quickly it'll all…
  • Am I doing something wrong? The responses I'm getting are kinda making me feel I've went about it the wrong way... guess Idk? S
  • And also I'm walking 3 miles a day, doing Pilates and the 30 day shred. Am I building muscle tone maybe?
  • I'm new at the whole weight loss thing, so I picked 1200 first bc I wasn't sure. I hit my plateau at 170lbs and been stuck. I seen a slimmed down me. But I then upped my intake of food because in reality I was only getting (rounding) 900 calories a day. I enjoy doing my workouts I just don't know why I am stuck. So I tried…