

  • Thank you for the advice. I am new at this and did not know I should start my own thread :) Shorry. Thanks also for taking a look at my diary. Good luck everyone w/your goals!! :)
  • I just opened up my diary. I have no idea what am I doing wrong. I am always under the calorie goal and I am being so good with my cardio and strength training :(
  • I am on the same boat. I also started on Jan.6th. I am always under my calorie goal. I do a 50 minute cardio routine 3-4 times a week and 30 mins of strength training 3 times a week...I have lost ZERO. This is SO frustrating! I am 5.2" and 120lbs. I had lost a few ounces, and they're back. I am 120 pounds, and my goal is…
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