

  • I guess i should say... there are some foods I can't eat because they cause kidney stones for me. The worst culprits are: Spinach D= I loved it too! Fish of any kind. Vital organs -- liver, chicken gizzards, etc. I really do miss spinach. I loved that stuff.
  • Oooh! Godo idea.. I do like almonds and pistachios!
  • I don't have to worry about it too much right now according to the doc. I do take OTC supplements, I take 3 99mg phamassure and a centrum silver that has 89 mg in it. My last blood test showed that I was 1 standard deviation lower than normal.. so nothing much to worry about, I was simply trying to hit the FDA recommended…
  • I noticed that. I have been using MFP to keep a log yes, but I check foods by googling dietary information. You are right, many don't have potassium listed. I appreciate the feedback. I also don't think I have ever ate arugula... I live in a rural area in SE KY and I don't think any of the grocery stores around here carry…
  • There are.. I take three 99mg pills a day to try and boost it, as well as a centrum .. that gives me around an extra 400 mg daily. My doctor talked to me last visit about a RX supplement, that I may need to add. I was just hoping to add it via diet first. =) I was thinking there was a difference between like fructose and…
  • Well, not really.. but I don't have to worry too much with salt intake. I could probably switch to it, I didn't even know there was a such thing as salt and potassium mixed lol. I will look for it in the grocery today! Thanks for the tip!
  • Oh yea.. and banana day is not followed by a happy day at all. Lol.