choukokoko Member


  • thank you so much for the link; i have my first round of tests at school looming this week, but i've bookmarked it and want to check it out as early as tomorrow afternoon. what you say is absolutely correct, i'm trying really hard to retrain my brain, but it isn't as easy as flipping a switch. there are several triggering…
  • well. what i define as muscle is prob. diff. than your definition; ive already had people tell me my butt looks bigger and rounder and my thighs are fuller, both due to muscle from starting long distance running again; but too many of my veins are already vascularized, and while i admire it on others who are dedicated to…
  • been there, unfortunately - i got down to 97 pounds, so inpatient and counseling was a given. what most people don't understand about EDs is that its not so much a fear of gaining weight as it is about losing control. im actually quite strong, and my stamina is good. you're right, i did gain weight pretty quickly during…
  • not to get too personal, but do you take a bcp or any kind of hormonal supplement? one of my sisters and i are in the same boat. there was a time when i was eating a net of 600 calories and burning about 300 calories a day and the weight was flying off - literally, half a pound a day. but my testosterone levels were at the…
  • thank you for taking the time to respond :) i'm recovering from an eating disorder, so making my diary public right now is something i'm a little leery of. if it helps, i stand 5'7' and weigh about 112 right now. my waist is about 24 and 1/2 but my hips are just a little over 35 inches right now. i would really like to get…
  • ah, thank you, that was the answer i really was hoping to hear!! life and work keeps me busy, so i burn about 850 calories a day easy - my net calorie intake varies, depending on the day, anywhere from 1000-1400. im also trying to recover from an eating disorder, so getting me to eat that much a day is nothing short of a…