

  • 1. Current weight: 159 2. weight lost since last week: Just joined challenge this weekend so not tracking yet 3. Other accomplishment or NSV (non scale victory) for the week: got big grocery order including lots of veggies 4. Goals for next week: plan and cook healthy meals to avoid impulse calories and takeout 5. weight…
  • Most of my adult life I looked great and felt great without having to put much effort into watching what I ate or paying attention to how much I exercised. Post college when I started working full time (sitting at a desk all day) the weight started creeping on slowly. It didn't get really bad until the past 2 years - I had…
  • A friend of mine who is a professional fitness trainer gave me a plan to follow 3-4 x week at the gym. I am scheduling my gym appointments instead of just going when I have spare time, which I used to do. I have an added incentive from my insurance company which will reimburse me half the cost of my gym membership if I go…