so much good advice here...! A writer I respect, Ta-Nehishi Coates, has lost a lot of weight, and he mentioned "making choices a healthy person would". I think of that a lot. I want to be a healthy person. Why not behave like one? I give myself smaller goals with slogans. When I was dieting from 109 to 99 kilos, I said…
yes, this! Keep your thoughts under control and positive. This is your new life and it is a much much better one. This is the real thing. That is the main part of motivation. I give myself small rewards in clothing. I sell or give away some too big clothes and buy something in a smaller size quite regularly. That makes me…
There is decent research saying that protein makes you feel more full, and eat whole fruits and vegetables rather than puréed ones; they take longer to eat so you have time to feel more full. So I eat a vegetable omelette many mornings. No cheese, mind you. It keeps me full until a late lunch and doesn't contain any sugar.