

  • I didn’t do the P90X but I gotten the Insanity set of DVD’s both are from the same group and I can tell you both my husband and I could see a huge difference. We had stop doing it but are going to start back up. We had both hit a wall on dropping weight and inches but after we started the Insanity workouts we started…
  • My cardiology doctor told me that stress might hinder weight loss, he told me I had to find something that would help me with the stress level I have at work or to just find a new job to get away from the stress. I found a way to deal better with the stress I was under and after I did that I started to drop weight. Might…
  • good for you, I have yet to do a 5 K but I am working toward one. Just take it one step at a time and before you know it you will have reached your goal.
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