erinjack231 Member


  • OMG.. .PLEASE DO NOT USE MARINE. ITS SO BAD FOR YOU. Use Kerry gold butter or if you don't want to gain weight use grapes oil n in the place of all oils and butters. It has a rich taste like butter but I never gain weight from it and ita so good for your brain
  • That's a lot is weight for so little tone. That might set you up for failure. You have to be careful not to overdue it because you.might crash and burn or make you disappointed if you don't. And then you.might quit . I'm not trying to sound rude but I know from experience you have to be careful for setting really high…
  • LOL How did you loose a 100lbs a month before you started your weight loss? It shows your starting on Dec 2014 and then loosing a 100lbs 2 months before on Oct 2014. Good Job on the weight loss but not sure . I think you mixed the dates up. LOL...
  • Good Job. Thx for the motivation
  • 221 want to be 176. So I lbs. Just started here. Been on vacation for 5 weeks in the Philippines and Gained 6kgs. Just got home. Uggh
  • People People please do not take algery meds they are only a band aid. Like a cover up. the problem still exisits after it wears off ad stop listening to the idiot doctors .they dont crap!! Go see a natural pathic or talk to your chiropractor. Go to a health food store or a nutrional shop. Google natural cures. Like I said…
  • You just took the words right out of my mouth. Thats exactly what happens to me and the fan thing helps. I dont get the bumps but i get itchy on my chest and on my but. Its gotta be the heat. I think it has something to do with Raynoids diease ( misspell) its where you body temperature does not regulate properly. Do you…
  • Hey thanks for that but rememebr the wikipeda is not always accurate. anyone can edit the information but alot of the times it is correct just find another resource. but im going to google about that because i break out in hives when i workout
  • I thought i was the only one who had this problem, thats why i googled if it was normal. If i start out slowly and make sure i keep the fan on me it helps. It only happens when i run not when i walk. and its because of the heat not anything to do with sweat because i can sweat all day long and not get the hives but if i…