

  • I have both and use both. As above I use the HRM and chest strap (Polar FT4 ) when I'm running as I like to use my heart rate to judge my running, the fitbit One I clip to my bra every morning and can keep an eye on how many steps etc and I can kick myself up the backside if I'm not moving enough.
  • Firstly: I'm so sorry for the loss of your Wife :o( Secondly: You look absolutely amazing!! Well done on your perseverance and the amazing weight loss. You should be so, so proud of your achievements and I'm really glad that life has got you back on track :happy:
  • Polar FT4, came with the strap :smile:
  • I recently bought the Polar FT4 HRM which comes with the chest strap. It seems to be pretty inline with the Treadmill results give or take a couple of cals. I find it very easy to use, the watch and chest strap sync well. I got mine off eBay last week from this seller:…
  • I'm glad someone else asked, I've contemplated getting the zip but wasn't sure. On the days I don't do cardio workouts or running it would be handy to have that little 'nudge' to keep moving. I'm presuming running on a treadmill would be counted on the zip? Is the 'One' really much better than the zip? :indifferent:
  • I threw my scales away yesterday because I've become so obsessed with wanting to lose weight that I was stupidly weighing myself twice a day and I know that's not a healthy way to be. I was becoming frustrated with the way my clothes are clearly telling me that my weight is going down or at the least my body shape is…
  • I see myself as being about the same size as you so I would have said 148 - 150lbs (the weight I am now at 5' 2"). No way would I have guessed 193.
  • Height 5' 2" Starting weight (before MFP) 11st 11lbs - Size 14 jeans, 14 tops Weight now 10st 8lbs - Size 12 jeans slightly loose, size 14 tops (due to big boobs) :smile:
  • You look great! I'm currently 10st 10lbs and wish I looked even half as good as you do. Be proud of not just losing the weight but of having a great figure. Any bloke who has the slightest thought that you don't look good has problems that they need to deal with :wink:
  • Thanks for asking, I wasn't sure either :o)
  • Do you have a good sports store nearby? Most good sports shops should have someone who can do a gait test for you to ensure you get the right running shoes. Overpronation can cause severe injury (as I'm sure you're aware) so yes it's important that you get the right trainers and not rely on insoles alone. I have found the…
  • Wow!! You look stunning! Well done on your fabulous new look :happy: I must admit I did scroll from the last 'heavier' pic of you to the 'lighter' you to check it was the same person lol. Well done, you should be extremely proud of your hard work and determination. :glasses:
  • That's an amazing and inspiring result, you should be very proud of yourself!! :glasses: I've just gone down from Size 14 to 12 too, can't wait to hit those 10s :happy:
    in Size 12 Comment by elisew34 May 2013
  • I would have to say I love my eyes. They're pretty big and a really deep blue kind of colour. I love my boobs too, they cost enough so I should do now! :laugh: As for everything else.........I'm working on it :smile:
  • I've recently started running and have felt the same on quite a few days. Hubby has been doing his running and fitness for years in the Military and always tells me off if I say I'm sore after running. Apparently I'm not stretching enough before and after a run he says and after watching some youtube vids on proper…
    in So Sore! Comment by elisew34 May 2013
  • I started the KettleWorx workouts about 3 months ago and I love it! I've lost a stone in weight and have dropped from a size 14 to a size 12 (UK) I struggled massively in the first couple of weeks but began to notice a difference and started to find it easier from week 3 onwards. I'm now in the process of doing it all over…
  • I started my fitness 3 months ago using the KettleWorx workout set and have to say I love it! I now see muscle tone where I thought I'd never see it again and I've lost weight too which is always a bonus :smile: Can I just ask, how do you log kettlebell workouts on the 'planner' here? I can't seem to find anything on the…
  • I'm a 'newbie' too, I've managed to kick myself up the backside over the last 3 months and have finally started to lose weight after feeling the same as you. It was a visit to the hospital and being weighed that was my starting point! I'm doing the KettleWorx workouts, I've just started the whole programme again after…
  • The opinion seems to be to definitely wear the bikini :laugh: It is difficult as we're our own worst critics and the 'feeling unsure' is a pain but hand on my heart.........It does look good, you should deffo wear it :smile:
  • Thanks :bigsmile: I've read a bit around the forum and do feel that people here are very friendly and encouraging which is great. Unfortunately I did use the excuses of being in pain for why I didn't get up and do something previously......it's a difficult one because I actually was in pain, I just didn't want to be in…
  • I'm more of an apple shape these days so you're lucky in a way lol I've found that the first places the weight goes from is the face/collarbone and boobs (typical!) and I too have found it goes from the bum, hips and thighs last which is really frustrating, I guess that's why they're called 'problem areas'. Maybe some…