

  • Week 1 11/28 - Monday - rest day Carb loading todays weight 205.5 11/29 - Tuesday 11/30 - Wednesday 12/01 - Thursday 12/02 - Friday 12/03 - Saturday 12/04 - Sunday Total: 0 To Go: 5000
  • absolutely the journey is much different for everyone. i do like the 5k calorie challenge. Its very easy for me to reach that goal in 4 days. in my case it do me no good to burn off that many calories when i can barely get enough food in me to reach a 2k calorie healthy diet. So i store EVERYthing. My metabolism is finally…
  • I guess i am missing something Your working out WAY to hard to loose 1 lb. in a week. I have lost 45lbs of fat and gained 20lbs of pure muscle since july and i dont work out nearly what your proposing. It took me two years and loosing no weight or fat to figure out that hiking 20 miles and biking 35 miles a week in…
  • Im not sure what i believe but diet is not what works for me. I guess if you want to call it a diet go for it. My food has not changed much.When i eat certain foods has changed. I did cut out dairy , and Wheat. I just stop eating carbs at noon. I always ate well i just never ate enough. My weight is from stress pure and…
  • 2 years. I had a $ hi%y trainer and I just did not know the right questions to ask. I ate the right foods but not in the right order or combinations with other right foods or correct amounts. I never overate and was just told to drink water and keep excercising eventually id loose weight. well i went from 215 to 237 and no…