

  • Hi, I went to my first Power Pump class yesterday and all we used were 2x dumbells and a bar, but trust me we worked hard with only those. Watch a couple of Body Conditioning or Power Pump videos - they may point you in the right direction. :smile:
  • Hiya - I'm back on MFP after a year away and some weight gain. Really hoping to lose weight and keep it off this time. Think I need some friends to keep me on track, don't feel like I can do it alone xx
  • Tiarapants - to lose 7 pounds (starting 173 pounds as of August 1st) Cnbethea - to lose 8 pounds Yentess ridelikeagirl616 - to lose 5 pounds EboniA - to lose 4 pounds WendyTobin GiGi76 TruSunshine - to lose 5 pounds Mekhala - to lose 5 pounds blh_1010 - to lose 8 pounds jim jam - to lose 5 pounds ifychudy - to lose 5…
  • Thanks Hallswan, that's good advice! Good luck with your op :happy:
  • A group of girls at work are signing up for Race For Life in July. I'm gonna do it with them, but... I'm not a runner or jogger. I just don't have the stamina and would love to jog the whole 5k. Any advice?
  • Was at a friend's last night and was soooo tempted to have a beer or glass of wine, but was a good girl and only had water to drink :happy: I'm finally not letting temptation get to me :tongue: May weigh myself tonight, but I'm a bit scared :blushing:
  • Hey Everyone! I know I'm almost 2 months behind you all, but I'll be joining you in the sunday weigh ins, gotta get my bikini body back lol x
  • Just realised there's a Tanye West on the message board. That's my nickname too LOL I'm a Tanya as well
  • Morning Everyone, I'm back on track! More determined than ever to lose weight and tone up. Gotta look good for my holidays :) x
  • Hi, I'm new too! Always wanted to know exactly how many calories, fat etc I eat each day and this site seems perfect (so far).