mlet23 Member


  • I'd love to have someone to chat with also. Just coming back to the site and determined to do it this time. Some motivation would definitely come in handy :D
  • The only problem is that I don't have access to a gym and I am worried that swimming alone won't really do enough. Although I guess something is better than nothing. Maybe I'll throw in a walk as well.
  • I wouldn't mind taking a look at some of them if you are willing to share
    in SWIMMERS? Comment by mlet23 January 2011
  • I normally start off with 100m slow freestyle as a warm up. Stop for 20-30 seconds then do 200m of freestyle, breaststroke or backstroke and from there I just start to swim whatever strokes I like trying to take as few rests as I can manage and swim all up for about 45mins-1hr. I think I need to get a bit more structure…
    in SWIMMERS? Comment by mlet23 January 2011
  • I actually just started getting back into swimming seriously. Makes me feel so much better than running etc as I have arthritis is one of my knees :)
    in SWIMMERS? Comment by mlet23 January 2011