Congratulations! You look amazing.
5'10. I avoid heels; I just don't like towering.
Foremost, these are MY results with the whole 1,200 calories matter- I'm not nutritionally educated enough to recommend anything to anyone, so take it with a grain of salt. The first time I lost a significant amount of weight (235 to 165 - and for the record, I'm 5'10), I did so eating around 1,200 a day. I was seventeen…
I had five big strawberries and a Luna bar.
Well, the lemon would help balance pH levels and it's good for your digestive tract. I've also heard about cucumber water being used as a diuretic. I think the combination of the two would be good in regards to flushing out your body. And then, like you mentioned, it makes the water itself a little less dull.
As a lesbian myself, I'm fairly decent at spotting other lesbians. I'm not quite as skilled with gay men, however.
Congratulations! You look great!
I was formerly an aspartame junkie- however, I was a teenager and hadn't bothered to educate myself about the contents of what I was ingesting. All I knew was that it didn't have calories, which was apparently good. I never really stopped to think about why I was getting nasty headaches after all those Sugar-Free Red Bulls…
Thank you! We just invested in a Ninja and I can't wait to put some of these to use.
Sending a request!