olystacy Member


  • I would love to join! I am a 44 year old female who loves racquetball, zumba, hiking and walking. I love cardio and hate weights but know I need to do some strength training. I am about 10 lbs from being where I would like to be but overall have come to peace that my body will never be perfect. It has birthed 3 babies,…
  • If I lift I increase intake on those days and try to make the calories eaten be in the form of protein or complex carbs.
  • I am 44 year old female and have mfp set to 1700 - I exercise 3-4 x a week and burn 500 or more calories during those sessions. I am not hangry, am losing weight, albeit slowly (.5 to 1lb a week - only have 10 to lose) but I am ok with that because it needs to be sustainable and not cause obsessing over food. 1700 is a…
  • Stop the madness. Eat the food. All of it, even carbs. Movement, balance, healthy food = sustainable, happy, long term success. Your body is telling you something! Listen to it. It needs carbs. Good luck.
  • 1200 calores a day is starvation. Your body is shutting your metabolism down at that low amount. NOT good. As others have said, look at the health calculator and figure out your tdee. I dont believe anyone should be eating below 1500. Balance, movement, healthy food is the key. No starvation diets.
  • Drop him. I am sorry but any man who wants you to change is not worth your time. Sounds like he is more attracted to your looks than anything else and where will you be in 5, 10, 15, 20 years? I am sorry but this guy sounds like a jerk. Maybe you should find a few faults in him and give him the same ultimatum. GRRRRRR.