1992Leigh1992 Member


  • Yeah no, I don't react negatively to sucarlose or aspartame (in normal amounts obviously). Stevia sweeteners make me sick so I avoid those. I guess I've avoided sugar and opted for artificial sweeteners in coffee for years, because of how it makes me feel. It just didn't occur to me until recently that this isn't…
  • I drink two cups of coffee in the morning, with a small amount of splenda. Would this really be harmful? Everything else you suggested is pretty much how I eat anyway (okay, dinner is more like 40g carbs but that is easy to adjust). I just feel like trying to suddenly give up coffee right now would lead to withdrawal…
  • I have been looking at this site. Do you think this recipe http://proteinpow.com/2014/06/caramel-protein-cake.html would work with soy protein and without the dates?
  • I think different people respond to/tolerate sweeteners differently. I REALLY loved the taste of Natvia but got a weird feeling in my stomach. During exam period last year, after consuming a WAY-more-than-normal amount of equal and coke zero, I started to get headaches. Note that this is an unusually high amount and…
  • Aspartame (Equal, Nutrasweet, Canderel), Sucralose (Splenda, Nevella), Stevia (Truvia, Natvia)... Splenda is my all-time favourite. But each to their own.
  • Thanks so much! That site is such a useful resource. I guess what I had trouble getting my head around is where the idea of heat diminishing the nutritional value of protein powder came from, if there is not truth to it whatsoever. And when protein powders were on sale I would always wonder if they were about to 'expire'…
  • So no matter what I do I can't get good lighting in my kitchen at night. But this is a Thai egg curry with cous-cous. http://www.myfitnesspal.com/blog/1992Leigh1992/view/dinner-662985 (My browser isn't allowing me to upload to photo bucket)
  • They are SO delicious. But they are expensive. I am addicted and this addiction is hurting my bank account.
  • THIS. I drink a protein shake on the mornings that I go running and have to stop myself buying the mini protein bars every day because they are so expensive. But I don't even crave sugary milkshakes or chocolate any more. Like, if I have them, I'm still hungry. If I have a protein bar or shake, it taste amazing and I'm…
  • Figure Chocolate Protein Shake (made up from the powder) mixed with diced Apple. With a cup of coffee (skim milk, two splenda tablets).
  • Anything covered in more than three different kinds of cheese.
  • This looks really great but I should have mentioned I don't own a food processor.
  • In a way I think this is a fair question. I have been both obese and underweight in my life. When I was underweight I was obsessing over food even more. I was restricting myself and only allowing myself to eat certain things at certain times. When I did eat my planned meals, I enjoyed them and took great pleasure in the…
  • I'm 1200-1400. I stuck to it really well for a few months and reached my goal weight. By the end of that I was nearing exams and very rarely excercising (if I got time to excercise I ate more.). Then I went overseas, during which time I wasn't counting calories at all. I ate rich dinners and sometimes desers (I did not…
  • I love Quinoa because when it's made to be all fluffy, what is a normal serving looks and feels like a lot!
  • I sent you a message and friend request. I am not vegan, but I eat high protein. I am ovo-lacto vegetarian.
  • What would you guestimate for something like lentil and veg soup, or an average restaurant serving of ricotta- spinach ravioli? I know a lot of these things would be high in kjs/cals, it would just be good to be able to make a more educated guess.
  • Yeah, I can see why it would be a lot safer to stick with items that are mostly non-fried proteins and Veg. I don't eat meat so most of my options are soups (which are great if available), pasta dishes, curries and stir-fries. Sometimes quinoa <3 I tend to stick with lentil-based things, because every chef in this city…
  • I am a self-confessed artificial sweetener-addict. I use it in coffee and sometimes drink diet soda. Different sweeteners have different effects on different people. Last year in exam period, I consumed A LOT of coke zero and sugar-free sunkist over a couple of days and eventually got headaches. So I stopped drinking it…
  • - Dry Lentils - Dry Kidney beans - Eggs - Oats - Vita brits - Protein Powder - Bananas - Apples - Wholemeal/multi-grain bread that has a decent amount of fibre - Tomato - Cucumber - Carrots (I think we should start buying carrots in bulk like people who own horses do) - Light mayo - Light ricotta - Spices - Grains (rice,…
  • What I am really confused about is what is considered a metabolically damaging deficit. I have been told that 5000kj (1200 cals) will damage my metabolism by some, whereas I have seen it recommended by professionals in other places.
  • Thanks everyone. I didn't eat a lot the night before. I ate a dinner of 1600 kj at 6.30pm... I normally eat 1700kj at around 7pm. Anyway, now that I think about it I have not had regular bowel movements and that is very likely a factor. I guess I just wanted to confirm that I did not indeed gain 2kg of actual body fat…
  • Oh! I went to visit my Dad's last night so I was carrying the scales in my bag ALL day... would that have an impact? I feel REALLY silly now. Also, I accidentally posted this thread twice. How do I delete the other one?