phooey43 Member


  • 6/4 6.8 mile jog for me
  • 3.3 on 6/2 3.2 on 6/3
  • I think phone gps can be spotty at times. Earlier this year after 2 minutes into the Yakima Canyon Marathon my nike+ app told me I had just completed my 1st mile ( I hadn't) and was off throughout the run saying i had hit 26 miles when in reality i still had a couple of miles to go.. Definitely go with the chip time since…
  • 17.2 mile long run for me on 6-1-13
  • I'm in! Put me down for a goal of150 miles running. Thanks
  • More mileage is definitely the key increasing your endurance. But If you are interested in getting an extra calorie burn and core work in, I read an interesting article in the nytimes a few weeks ago about a 7 minute "miracle workout" here is the address…
  • Hydration is definitely key, we get a several people into the ER with heatstroke. I agree with everything stated above and have one more thing to add, the trail I run primarily has a couple of spots that you can drive to, so I throw a couple of water bottles into the brush nearby that I can pickup as I run by, or if at a…
  • While not being one to poo poo anyone's route to wellness but it does seem there is an obvious disdain by those that weightlift to those that run. I can only go by my own experiences where I've come to love running and have lost 85lbs doing so in 4 years. Yes there may be runners that have trouble maintaining their weight…
  • pretty with a mischievous smile
  • Hi I'm Thomas, a 44 year old gaming nut since my the days of the Atari 2600. Currently playing mostly Xbox 360, but also on ps3 and steam as well. Also am an avid runner having finished my 4th marathon this year and a 5th set for Oct. Glad to see some like minded people here, I've gone from 265 to 185 currently over the…
  • I think Garmin is definitely the way to go. I've used my 405 for over 3 years with no problems other than hating the touch bezel but I got used to it. Being a cheapskate I've been waiting for a good deal to update and recently found a refurbished 210 with hr strap for 149 on buydig. 210 seems like a pretty good basic…
  • I've never ran less than at least 4 days a week training for a marathon but don't see any reason you couldn't. If I were training 3 days a week I would probably break it down to 1 easy run (half of long run), a training session of either tempo run, or speed repeats, and of course a long run. Gradually building mileage is…
  • I've added a bunch of you guys, and anyone is free to add me to their friends list here or nike + username is phooey43. I'm an avid runner and have been using nike+ for a couple of years now.
  • Congrats! I don't ever feel like doing much the day after a marathon, but now you've got me thinking Completed Sage Rat Run Half-Marathon this weekend, and have signed up for the Portland Marathon in Oct
  • Hi! I'm Thomas from Yakima, Washington, I started running 4 years ago weighing in at 265lbs and now at 185. I could barely run to the fridge back then and now have 4 marathons under my belt and several halfs. Still have a bit of weight to lose, so glad to find some like minded people who love running. Feel free to add me,…
  • I'm pretty new here as well turned 44 this year and working on my last 15lbs. Feel free to add me to your friend lists
  • I've always been one that believes everyone should have a right to their own beliefs. I also believe that this community has done a great job of being supportive. My thought is that coming and making a post that you knowingly would inflammatory is very small minded or if you didn't think this would stir up a pot then…
  • 1st of all congrats on completing the warrior dash that's awesome! Make sure you do one long run a week with 2-3 shorter runs during the week. If your goal is to run 5k (3.1 miles) start with perhaps a 2 mile long run weekly and add a .25 to half mile each week for your long runs and 2-3 shorter easy runs during the week.…
  • I've used Yurbuds and love the way they twist and lock in place. They also come at a couple of price points so you can decide whether you like them without shelling out too much. The only drawback I have is that the silicone covers become loose after awhile and come off the earbuds more easily. I keep thinking about trying…
  • Thats awesome! Keep up the good work and keep challenging yourself!
  • Great thread I sent requests to all of you in case you were wondering who the heck phooey43 was, it will be great to have more people on my nike+
  • More importantly than brand is the kind of shoe you'll need. If would definitely be in your best interest to do some research. Things you should know would be: Your arch are you normal, flat or high, does your foot roll in or out as you walk? underpronate or overpronate. If you go to website they have a…
  • Hill running effort depends on whether it is a hill in a longer route or if you are doing hill repeats i.e. running up then jogging down. For hills within a longer run definitely agree try to keep the same level of effort and forget pace. For hill repeats speed up the hill at a harder pace and recover jog down. Lean…
  • I am new here to mfp as well but would love to add some more people to my Nike+ app feel free to add me, my username is the same as here on mfp