

  • I exercised regularly up until around 8 months...I just got too uncomfortable to do much. Around 2 weeks pp I started walking regularly with the baby and recently started getting back into doing my 30DS DVD in addition to walking. My body bounced back better than I expected although I was heavier than I wanted to be when I…
  • Inspirational! You look so happy! Great work.
  • Welcome! I am so sorry to hear about your little one...I hope he gains weight quickly and comes home soon :) I just had a baby at the end of March. I'm slowly getting back into being more active on here...I fell off the wagon a bit and it's time to get serious and healthy again.
  • Thank you so much for the useful answers! I am going to buy some of the stuff that was mentioned (after our Pedi appt, I'll check with him just in case). I really appreciate it. Now if only my baby would sleep at night, I'd have all my problems solved! :)
  • I was thinking it looked like eczema! I have it too (currently a nice patch right on my eye lid - yay).
  • Hi Ladies! I'm also an EBF first-time mama trying to lose the last 10lbs of pregnancy weight plus 15lbs more :) My son is 4 months old and we've been doing a lot of walking/hiking. He's such a terrible night sleeper that when he's in bed I just feel too exhausted to get back into my old routine of workout videos. I hope…