jcwandel Member


  • Every false start brings you closer to the time that will work!
  • You can do this! Like others have said, break it down into chunks and start to celebrate your progress. If you can get out, try to find an in-person support group, such as Overeater's Annoymous, which is free. I have a friend who just lost 150 pounds....It took about 18 months but she is doing great. You can do this!…
  • So I created the "slider" from one of Rolf's photos....what do you think??!!
  • I know! This I thought of! But I do think it will help. I knew a woman who lost like 40 pounds and drinking copious amounts of water was the **main** thing she did. Then I picked up a mag in the doc's office yesterday - another story of huge weight loss and "more water" was a big part of it. I know WW touts that also. I…
    in Dates Comment by jcwandel May 2013
  • Got your message, woo hoo! I'm hoping when we are all "friends" we will all get message on our "home page." I'm still not sure how this group thing works! Let's keep playing around! My goal today - More Water....
    in Dates Comment by jcwandel May 2013
  • Yay, here we are! Ok you walked at lunch. I need to start doing that now that the weather is nice. Did get to the gym - yay me. I am having a salad with hard boiled egg on it for lunch. Rather yummy. 1/4 cup dried cranberries, lite balsamic vinagrette dressing. I also just entered one of our favorite recipes in the recipe…
    in Just DO it! Comment by jcwandel May 2013