

  • Avoiding food is not the answer. It's not safe and very unhealthy. It's also nothing to joke around about. I have a family member who suffers from eating disorders. She's landed herself in the hospital several times and has been in and out of rehab numerous times. The doctors have told her that it's now up to her if she'll…
  • I'm cautious with any pills that are not prescribed by my doctor. Did you know the FDA doesn't regulate vitamins??? I mean, we put them into our body thinking they are safe, but they in fact could be harmful. I am a firm believer in BC pills, especially ones like Seasonique or Seasonale. They keep TOM down to once every 3…
  • First, don't weigh yourself during that time. You know the extra lbs aren't "real" already. No need to add worry which will only increase the weight. Second, with you food intake, start with baby steps. A yo-yo type diet just doesn't work. You've already taken a huge step with signing up with MFP. Now, notice what you are…