

  • It's most likely a combination of both, it gives me a boost about 30mins-1hr after I take it. Good luck to you as well! Just remember to keep your nutrition in line It can be tempting on phen to skip meals and eat the bad stuff and still be under your calories. Unfortunately when we go off it wont work like that and can…
  • I completely understand the pill thing. I don't even take tylenol. One of my close friends entire family has used phen with amazing results and kept the weight off. They encouraged me to give it a try and it''s going well so far! There are some side effects but imo the pros out weigh the cons. You have to make that…
  • I've been on it since July 23rd, I'm on a 11 day on 3 day off schedule. First time on it. Just struggling to eat enough calories :(