EmPower27 Member


  • I HIGHLY recommnend Leslie Sansone's 1 mile walk video. It's what I started with last year because of my bad joints. It helped build me up to more intense activities. The 1 mile walk is a 15 minute video, she does marching in place at various paces, plus several other moves that she incorporates into it. Seriously, look…
  • I haven't read through the whole thread, but that original post is definitely going on my fridge. And in my purse when my hubby and I go away for the weekend for a wedding-- I know I'll be indulging a bit. Thank you!
  • Thanks for adding me as a friend, I look forward to mutual encouragement! I am trying to get back into shape myself after letting it get too out of hand. I had lost 20 lbs in 2010 (20 lbs of the 50 I needed to lose), then regained all 20 of those lbs in 2011. I'm aiming to get all those 50 off-- and keep them off!