cmreimer Member


  • Sundays tend to through me off too, between church and our community group meeting later in the evening for dinner. Rarely do I have a chance to exercise more than a quick dog walk. I think pre-planning is key; you probably have a pretty good sense of the food choices you have for the day, so adjust your other meals to…
  • I have 12 year old identical boys, and a 16 year old boy. You are blessed, it's a very special relationship to nurture!
  • Haha, I'm eating cottage cheese right now! My favorite way to eat it is: 1/2 cup 2% cottage cheese, 1/2 cup partially thawed frozen blueberries, 1-2 tbs chopped walnuts or almonds. Yum! (ps; I definitely recommend 2% over nonfat. The small amount of fat is worth the taste and I think it's lower in sodium.)
  • Bump- Can't wait to come back to this when I have a bit more time. Congratulations on your success and thank you for taking the time and your experience to help others!
  • I had knee surgery for an ACL tear a few years ago. My PT had me on the stationary bike for quite a while before progressing to swimming, then eventually walking. A big part physical therapy was building up the muscles around the knees, I would really suggest looking into a similar approach. (I'm sorry that's vague, I…
  • I'd love to have you as a friend! Feel free to add me too. :)
  • I'd love to! Feel free to add me as well. (I'm a mom of three and Jillian fan also!)
  • Wow! I'm thinking that might be my lunch. Thanks for the recipe!
  • I'm 5'9 with a similar goal. (Though I'm giving myself a bit longer to get there!) Feel free to add me, I'd love to help!
  • Welcome, it looks like we have a lot in common! Except for the fact that I've struggled with weight much longer than you. I do relate to the dramatic gain in the last couple years. That being said, I'm pretty familiar with cooking for a family keeping weight loss in mind, and would love to support you along the way. Please…
  • Welcome! Looks like we have a similar goal for the new year. Please feel free to add me!
  • Welcome! I love to see a committed dad and husband. I am a mom of three, married for 19 years. I used to be an avid runner but have taken the last couple years off. Big mistake! I've got a half marathon on the calendar for March, my first in about 5 years. Lots of work to do before then. Feel free to add me as a friend,…
  • Hi! I'd love to add you as a friend. Looks like we are the same age and have similar goals. I have tried this on my own, and recognize that I've missed out on the benefit of mutual support. Best of luck on your journey!