iriemama85 Member


  • Do you move your scale at all? I have a small bathroom so I need to put my scale away each time I use it. Well for a few weeks I was getting really upset because I hadn't lost any weight. I happened to look at the back of the scale and it said that if you move the scale you have to first step on it, disregard the first…
  • I have the same problem and I think it's more of issue with body type. I am tall with long slender legs, no butt and a belly. I actually stopped wearing jeans because I would either have a muffin top or it would be baggy in rear and thighs. Now I wear mostly skirts, dresses, tights/leggings and stretchy skinny jeans. I…
  • How is this relevant?
  • Thank you everyone for your support and encouragement. Today is a new day and I am going to try again. And I did want to clarify one thing, I don't think I look bad in my swimsuit, it's more like I feel out of place because it is an one piece and not a bikini. I felt like I was showing up to a black tie event wearing jeans…
  • Avocados, peanut butter, almond butter, nuts in general are good source of protein/fat. Also eggs, whole milk, cheese and butter.