sauza Member


  • I think you are going to LOVE being an active participant in MFP. MFP keeps me from having the "all or nothing" attitude that almost always guarantees failure. I am able to track my progress daily - well actually throughout the day - thereby giving me much needed perspective. If I have a pile of cookies at 10am, I can…
    in Now or Never! Comment by sauza May 2011
  • those statistics come from averaging what we 'are' doing as human beings in our society, perhaps not we 'should' be doing. However, sounds like you have the right idea. You look and feel well, so...... I, and most of my female ancestors, are normally very thin. I am not at this time and probably look better, but feel MUCH…
  • awwww, congratulations!!! Be blessed.
    in Wedding today! Comment by sauza May 2011
  • I am a FIRM believer that hunger is a sign that we need to eat. It is what we are or are not eating that may be causing what seems to be unreasonable hunger. If you are eating 2500 empty or useless calories, you body will still be crying out for the necessary nutrients to continue maintaining and building. Be sure you are…
  • I cannot thank you enough for taking the time. At my age, these are not concepts with which I am unfamiliar, but to have a refresher course in such detail and presented in an entertaining manner (thank you). Again, the time you put in and the information you shared (free), you are a gem.
  • yea, sweetie, that is why all models are chunky, right? can you smell the sarcasm?
  • make sure you are eating enough, in my experience the metabolism locking down is due to ' not enough calories' almost always
  • welcome!, you are going to love this site more everyday. I am still amazed at the endless support and information to be found here. good luck.
  • I agree, the Shred dvd's are amazing, I finally am able to get results in a reasonable amount of time.
  • nice!
    in XL NSV Comment by sauza April 2011
  • you must have very young friends (to me twenty somethings are very young LOL) anyway, good news is most of them will grow up and be worthy of friendship in just a few years :)
    in Venting.. Comment by sauza April 2011
  • when I don't stretch enough my calves bulge
  • I hope this helps you. I suffer some of the same issues. I just feel like I literally drag myself through most days, working so so hard for so so little. BUT enough of that :). I am forever amazed and I have been alive long enough to have collected some data concerning myself, I am forever amazed at how my 'mood' or…
  • bit of advice from a former trainer - I FIRMLY believe that a lot of what people assume is 'bing' eating is eating from hunger. I found with my clients and myself that if they (or I) ate properly for just a few days cravings ceased. MFP is going to help you SO MUCH. What you are 'not' eating will be right in front of you.…
  • I hope this makes you laugh....I now rejoice - rejoice! over getting down to a weight I once thought I would rather be dead than weigh. Life is all about perspective isn't it? :)
  • Not depressed? Well maybe not but certainly in mourning. Behavior modification. You stated in you post - you know exactly when you are most missing your beloved pet. Literally schedule in an activity, physical activity will raise your endorphin level and assist in elevating your mood during your grieving period. I suffered…
  • smoothies with the protein powder in them, that is a good combo for me (carbs/protein) and enough calories (complex carbs to avoid a crash) to carry me through the afternoon and I try to have a recovery drink ready after my workout. hope that helps
  • I am older, so my experience tells me that is was probably no accident that your sister more or less made the comparison. Know you got it out of your system, but if not, use the adreniline rush of angry to burn even more calories!!!! Here at MFP, we rock!!!!
  • the motivation to work out comes from working out, push through to the endorphin rush and that will become reason enough to make the effort, a great looking body and good health are icing on the cake
  • brilliant!
  • that is so me!!!! I've done so much damage to my metabolism that my weight just crawls off, but whatever, I just have to do what I do everyday. One day I will have the body I want. I can't even think about how long it will take me to get there, I just have to do this. Good luck!!!
    in FED UP! Comment by sauza April 2011
  • I have learned the hard way to eat those exercise calories. I am FINALLY losing at a reasonable and consistent rate - by eating! Supporting my body in muscle building and maintenance. I need those muscles to burn fat and those muscles need fuel.
  • I keep laughing at myself because I am afraid not to work harder. Work smarter not harder right? That 27 minutes of shred is making more changes that all the other workouts I do. Why do I keep doing all of them? I wear a hrm so I can see that it burns more calories.
  • Is it muscle? Muscle weighs more than fat, takes up less space. By now everyone has heard my blue jean speech. Trust your clothes to tell you the truth. I was working out so hard (building muscle) that while I didn't lose any pounds (in the beginning), I shrunk like crazy. Four clothing sizes. Now, I am burning the fat off…
  • P90 will most certainly encourage you to eat the exercise calories. I have P90X and I only thought I was eating enough and didn't get good results until I examined my diet (thanks to MFP) and realized I need to up my intake.
  • I think BodyRockers (Zuzana) (not sure about the spelling) has jump rope routines.
  • OMG!!! Am I frustrated? Understatement. is from the years and years and countless hours I had to listen to people talk about my consumption - when I was thin. I have never been able to wrap my mind around how anyone could be interested in what anyone else ate. I thought it was just me. Just on and on about every…
  • check out the gracie family diet (I think you can find it under gracie academy) these people have been consuming fruits for like 6 generations now. Their diet is balanced by the way, but they consume much more fruit than your md is suggesting. I have begun to add gracie type smoothies to my diet and it has done nothing but…