heathgmorris Member


  • I think he was banking on nobody reading it. From the study:
  • Props to ellesab78 and wiljc3 for mentioning Attia. He's the boss. WOW! The amount of bro-science and conjecture in this thread is overwhelming! I wonder why so many people come out of the woodwork to bash Keto? It is OK if people do things differently than you! If you got fit by carb-loading and running 10 miles a day,…
  • It would be more correct to say that humans don't need dietary carbohydrates, because they can be created from other substances inside the body. http://www.bodyrecomposition.com/nutrition/carbohydrate-and-fat-controversies-part-1.html note Lyle's reply to comments also. http://ajcn.nutrition.org/content/75/5/951.2.long…
  • It's actually scientifically factual to say that carbohydrates aren't an essential nutrient. That fact doesn't have any bearing on whether Keto is dangerous long term or short term though, but it's good to know. For anyone interested in seriously talking about Keto, is worth reading Peter Attia's site, and watching his…