PrairieRoseNE Member


  • I'm not an expert, but maybe change up your exercise routine?? Your body is accustomed to your workout and it isn't being "challenged" any more. I had the same thing happen - I love walking as an exercise, but I finally decided it wasn't burning the calories it did at the beginning. I supplement the walking with some daily…
  • Use the recipe feature here :) You add all the individual ingredients and how much of them you use. If the quantity you end up with is say 2 cups of marinara sauce and if you used 1/2 cup of sauce on your pasta - you get 4 servings from those 2 cups. The recipe feature figures the calories, the carbs, sodium, etc..... You…
  • I too suffer from nighttime snack cravings & boredom eating. I decided I needed something to keep my hands & mind busy, while allowing myself some downtime - so I found a hobby! I've always known how to crochet, and now I'm teaching myself how to knit. I can sit with the family, engage in conversation, watch tv and still…
  • I've lost a couple inches and tightened up my "overhang" somewhat by doing some salsa dancing at home. My own version of Zumba to some fun music. I maybe don't work as hard at Beto and his girls do, but I'm having fun and I feel good knowing I'm doing something good for my health. Maybe it's more of an attitude booster…
  • 2500 mg per day is the top number - you shouldn't go over that per day. I'm on a low sodium diet and I try to stay 1200mg or below. For one item - 690 mg is alot of sodium. Alot of canned products are high in sodium - as well as pre-pkg'd foods and those frozen entrees. Reading labels is very important if you want to…
  • I agree with what some others have mentioned - maybe cut your sodium down if you are able. Ways to reduce sodium in foods you eat are: Rinsing any canned vegetables with water, to eliminate some of the sodium. Like green beans, black beans, corn, peas, etc.... usually doesn't affect the taste much. Even foods like frozen…
  • You're welcome :)
  • I think it's important to pay attention to several things, but I don't know about EVERYTHING!! That could be hard to do - to be perfect in every category. ((SMILE)) Depending on your own situation and any health conditions, some categories become more important. For me, I've been diagnosed with High Blood Pressure, so I…
  • I'm the same - been on a low dose for about 3 months. Hoping that soon the scale will start moving in the right direction. For now I'm continuing to exercise and log in here everyday. I feel better, but have the "gut" feeling that my Dr. should increase my dosage. Thankfully I lost the 68lbs BEFORE the Thyroid conked…
  • This is ME - working at it since Nov of 2010 and I've lost 68 lbs. I try to walk 4-5 days a week during my lunch hour - even in the wintertime. In the summertime I try to jog or ride bike in the evenings. I'm trying to stick to a lower sodium diet for my high blood pressure. The only pills I take are scripts for my…
  • It does get easier over time - but being human, we all have slip ups once in awhile. The main thing is to never "throw in the towel" completely. The hardest part for me is learning to forgive myself right away and NOT dwell on those occasional mistakes. Just take it one day at a time and don't set un-reasonable goals for…
  • Like mentioned above, I cut the tags out - LOL Ok, I don't really - but makes me wonder if I should, because we all know that different brands of clothing aren't sized the same. Why should I feel bad about the size?? If it looks good and fits MY body type - that's the important thing to remember. I've lost weight around my…
  • I like to sprinkle sugar free dry jello powder on it and add fruit that goes good with the flavor jello you're using. To make it creamier - add a dollop of fat free or light cool whip. Yum
  • I keep a family photo of us right in front of my work computer's screen. Back when I had the photo taken I was happy with the 3 smiling faces - but now all I see is how FAT my face was then - so compared to now - there's a huge difference. When I get those mid-afternoon munchies - I look at that photo and my hunger pains…
  • I agree - I think MFP does a way better job at giving us the tools to learn how to eat healthy and be accountable for everything we consume - not just lose weight.
  • Definitely this!!!! I see the Zumba commercials on TV and wish I had the DVD, but my budget says, crank up the stereo instead and do your own "thing" for now = LOL
  • Ok, here's a twist - I've lost 68 lbs - I look in the mirror and see that I look thinner (YAY WooHoo) People that know me say I look great :) And I look at other people that I think look slender and approx. the same weight as me and I feel great!! BUT, I step on the scale and it says 222 lbs yet!!!! YIKES, I can't be that…
  • I kinda do the same foods - in a way.... When I want dairy/calcium - I tend to go with yogurt - it's portion controlled, satisfies my sweet cravings, comes in a variety of flavors so I don't get bored with it. Easy to add fresh fruit to and the light, low fat versions don't totally mess up my food diary. For proteins - I…
  • Hi - Thanks for starting this group :) I chose to become Catholic in Sept 2008, went thru the RCIA process and became fully Catholic at the Easter Vigil in 2009. Previously I was un-churched. I love my Faith and currently serve as a Lector at Mass and I'm co-teaching the Confirmation class this year. I'd enjoy it more if…
  • Thanks for the suggestion about the Library - I did do some research on and the Mayo Clinic's website, which was really helpful. And I realize that we are all different, and medications affect people differently, but I just want to be properly informed about my condition. Health savvy!!!!! To clarify, when I had…
  • I've just started taking a 25mg dose of Levothyroxine. Although the Dr. said the dosage might increase as we work to get the thryoid numbers where they're supposed to be. I also take prescription Losartan for high blood pressure. Although the Dr. said that in some cases, under active thryoid causes increased blood pressure…
  • Thanks everyone - for all the suggestions. I've been noticing that I never reach my MFP goal for protein. I currently like to snack on chewy granola bars to help increase my fiber intake, but I don't like the extra bloating they sometimes cause. So I thought I'd alternate with protein bars. I need a satisfying afternoon…
  • Guilty here too! This weekend we attended a wedding reception - I saw an acquaintance that had really gained BACK all the weight she had previously lost and then some extra. I've lost 68 lbs so far, but I'm struggling at the moment and the losing has stalled. After seeing her, I couldn't enjoy the wedding cake I was eating…
  • Gosh - I wish I'd known that a sodium free baking powder is available - I was at WalMart today and I could've looked for it - OH well.....LOL I'm thinking I will add approx 1/4 tsp of salt to my recipe and see how it tastes. I'm thinking I'll just enjoy the slice of bread and limit my sodium in other ways :-)
  • The baking powder amount in this recipe already has 1440 mg of sodium - would that be enough to control the rise of the bread??? I went and re-factored the recipe and if I totally eliminate the added salt, each slice of bread would have 107 calories and only 120 mg of sodium. I guess I'll just have to give it a try and see…
  • Thanks for the advice - I'll try it once without any added salt and just go with the baking powder in the amount recommended - Thanks!!
  • Awesome idea!! I'll try that next time!!
  • THIS!!