

  • In response to jsl... Yes, it is largely a natural emotional response, I was just trying to highlight the sad epidemic of insecure women who are too often secret self-haters. And the disproportionate numbers of underlying mental health issues between the sexes.
  • Thank you fragile, yes I used generalizations, but my BA in psychology and minor in gender studies, as well as serous undergrad studies of smart, successful women who still have such deep and painful self-hate and unrealistic self-images all point to the issues I highlighted. PS not trying to brag, just trying to say my…
  • Maybe I should only speak for myself, but through collegiate study on women-to-women hate and women's self-hate, as well as some scientific facts that are well established, here is a Generalized overview of some of the main contributing factors. It's because we hate ourselves and are insecure. From a very young age we see…