
  • Good Job! What an amazing difference.
  • Many years ago I had a lumpectomy followed by a Hysterectomy including removal of my ovaries. November 2013 I had a bilateral Mastectomy with reconstruction, the surgery for my permanent replacements is scheduled for July 10, 2014. I will be 54 years old in August and I am determined to get myself at a healthy weight and…
  • I eat whatever I want as long as it fits into my daily calories so I don't call it a cheat and I don't berate myself. For instance, a couple days ago I was having cravings in the evening so I had a Wholly Guacamole and 10 pretzel crackers and that satisfied the cravings. Keep in mind that I am a Newbie so hopefully this…
  • For me it is a constant struggle and after awhile I get tired of it and let myself go again, sad but true. I then stop getting on the scale because I don't want to see how high it is and when I finally do I bing because of the disappointment in myself. Then I keep telling myself that today will be the day I will start…
  • Look for the App called CamMe you put your phone so it is taking a picture like a selfie but you back up to get more in the picture. When you are ready you do like a high five so the camera detects it then it will make a sound then you make a fist to say go.
  • I agree with Crusadersam, it may be hard for some to accept his facts but it sounded from the heart to me.
  • 53 years old & Double Mastectomy in November 2011, I lost ALL my upper body strength and the pain and healing went longer than expected after the tissue removal surgery, that and the extremely long winter with no activity put me behind in my weight loss goal. Obviously my 'feel sorry for myself' eating was what made me…
  • This looks so good and I love potatoes, I am going to make this for me and my mother.
  • Jello and you can get liquid shake meals if you don't feel you are getting enough.
  • I am a Service Manager at an IT Data Center working 12 hour shifts alternating 3 or 4 day work weeks.
  • Thanks you gave me a great chuckle at the end of the day.
  • About 23 days for me, I am 52 years old now and it is slower than when I was younger but that's ok.
  • Never quit trying, take one day at a time and know tomorrow is a new day and a new start. We can all look back at pictures of ourselves in days gone by and think about our would-a, could-a and should-a's but the fact remains you are here now and that means you have not given up! Keep coming back to this site even if you…