

  • I'm in the same dilemma! I can't decide between sedentary & lightly active. I don't know if I'd say I'm on my feet a good part of the day, but I don't sit around. I'm a student, so I walk from class to class but spend time sitting in desks & doing homework at home. I do clean and such at home too. I'm confused! Help me too…
  • Workouts should be ones that put less stress on whatever is hurting. For example, I had shin splints, so even the elliptical hurt. I was tied to a stationary bike :( So basically, play with different ideas but don't stop! I did, and I'm here now trying to reverse all the "damage" that happened while I was rehabbing. Good…
  • Count me in! I'm increasing how much I run, so I plan to run & do some core exercises with my sister. This will be fun!
  • I just finished a nutrition class at my local junior college where I learned that eating a variety of food is important to ensure you are getting all the nutrients you need. For example, oranges have vitamin C while bananas have potassium. Since every nutrient in the food that you eat does something different inside your…
  • Can I join in late, too? In the last week I haven't lost any weight, but I this would be perfect inspiration, considering in exactly 10 weeks from yesterday I have a 10k race I'd like to be ready for. My goal for the next 10 weeks here is to lose 20 lb, but I guess I'll be losing 18 lb. while we're doing this. my…
  • Bonjour! Je m'appelle Addie et j'ai 19 ans. Moi aussi je suis américaine mais je parle le français. Je ne parle pas couramment le français mais je le sais beaucoup. J'étudie le français à l'université. Alors bonne chance Marie! Il y a beaucoup de personnes qui parle le français ici! C'est magnifique! :bigsmile: