chaudod Member


  • SW- 171.4 (April 1) GW- 166.4 CW- 165.6 (Apr 30) Total Weight Loss for April- 5.8 lbs "Success is the sum of small efforts, repeated day in & day out."
  • Gorgeous day today! Another 30 minute stroller walk today with the duo.
  • SW: 196.8 (15 jan, 2014) CW: 171.4 ( 1 apr, 2014) GW: 164 ( 30 apr, 2014) Weigh in dates 4/01: 171.4 4/07: 171.4 4/12: 170 4/21: End of month 4/30: Total weight lost this month: 1.4 lbs Beautiful weather this week so much more active and it shows on the scale- yay! Great work everyone! Lets keep moving this week ;)
  • 30 min walk today :).
  • 3 day streak for the twins and I! Another hour stroller walking today- yay!
  • The twins and weather both co-operated for a second day- yay! Another 1 hour walk I'm today! That's 2 days in a row, I could get used to this :). Fingers crossed for tomorrow.
  • I'm in! Today was beautiful weather and the twins were cheerful! I walked them in the stroller for an hour! Here's hoping the sun is shinning tomorrow as well :).
  • SW: 196.8 (15 jan, 2014) CW: 171.4 ( 1 apr, 2014) GW: 164 ( 30 apr, 2014) Weigh in dates 4/01: 171.4 4/07: 171.4 4/14: 4/21: End of month 4/30: Total weight lost: No loss this week. No gain either so that's a success in itself :). Here's to a great week everyone! Keep moving forward.
  • Would like to join! Going to try :) SW: 196.8 (jan 15, 2014) CW: 171.4 (apr 1, 2014) GW: 164 (apr 30, 2014) Weigh in dates: 4/01 Tues: 171.4 4/05 Sat: 4/12 Sat: 4/19 Sat: 4/26 Sat: 4/30 Wed: Total Weight Loss: May we all be successful!
  • You certainly are not alone. Congratulations on your progress so far! I also started a lifestyle change about 5 weeks ago. It is proving to be a challenge and I continue to get discouraged frequently. However, you're words "I'll be happy" reminded me that feeling better and being happy are truly the end result I'm (all of…