danishadows Member


  • I eat my extra calories I guess it all depends on your goal im eating 2200 cals and im only 126 lbs I lost 35 im trying to gain more muscle I feel too skinny it depends on oyur goal I found the more I ate the more I lost because it speeds up your matoblesium in my case ...just my opinion :smile:
  • hi :) I just started my recovery week should you drink your recovery shake after these workouts too? im kinda confused about this any advice would help :) ps my goal is to bulid muscle
  • sorry im new to this what does the bump mean?
  • it sounds like they go togeather to mee to but I looked it up and a lot of people don't so I don't know if I should or shouldn't...im trying to build more muscle I feel too skinny 5'7 and 126 any ideas how to speed up the process?