

  • Hey! Calisthenics can be found this way: add > exercise > browse all > scroll down to the c:s I know the thread has been quite for months now but in case you still are looking for it.. Cheers /D
  • Thanks a bunch, I really appreciate the help! It is a lot more motivating to know whatto do/how to do things, especially at the beginning. And thanks for the tip on Convict Conditioning. I'll get to it! Cheers /Daniel Edit: spellcheck
  • Best thing is to experiment but as previously said, garlic and black pepper pretty much to the job often times. Tabasco and Worcestershire sauce are nice as well! If you're making stews, letting them simmer a bit longer releases more flavor. Also, bay leaves are great! If you are cooking meat, flip it over every 30 seconds…
  • Steamed Fried in bacon grease In omelettes In Stews Raw with perhaps some dipp to go with Oven roasted - if you slice them thinly you can make root vegetable chips Grilled Cooked Pretty much in every possible way. EDIT: spellcheck
  • Monsanto is responsible for a lot of crap. Those bast'ds have pretty much ruined/destroyed everything they've touched.
  • Hello! I apologize in advance for the lengthy post. I started using MFP 2 days back and, frankly, I feel I should've eased my transition into calorie counting. Though, since I'm here I might as well do it right from the start. Therefore I'm asking for some help if anyone feels inclineed. My current stats are: (not sure if…