

  • Welcome! You'll find everything and everyone here so helpful!
  • I did the opposite hun, I moved here to the UK from Canada 7 years ago. I won't lie, it was difficult but once I made a good base of friends and had things to do where I wasn't relying on my Husband all the time I felt much more confident as well. Think of it as an adventure as I'm sure it will be!! xx
  • Hello Stephanie, I'm in my 2nd week on the site and find it really helpful! I'm sure you will love it. I feel more in control when I account for everything. Lots of support here too when and if you need it! You'll do great! I have my first weigh in next week so I'm hoping for that too! :)
  • Hi Lesley, Iknow what you mean, it has been horrible gaining all this weight after having my daughter since when I had her I was probably the smallest I'd been in ages.. Pregnancy was an instant diet plan for me....but not one I am doing again! LOL I'm still figuring out how to use this site! I've added a friend request…