

  • Bethenny Frankel of Bravo has a few tasty recipes. One with chili powder and peppers is easy and very good. Just google for website. Also Rachel Ray-apple cheddar- without all the extras.
  • I made a variation of this for breakfast today. I used egg substitute, a tiny bit of oatmeal, almonds, and a 40 cal. piece of bread for texture with the banana. Would call it banana "mash or hash" Good way to use an overripe banana.
  • Just made some grilled bean burgers over the weekend for first time. I will add the link; but it was from taste of home. When I mashed the can of black beans and a can of pinto beans, it almost looked like very lean ground beef. They were easy to make and were very tasty.…
  • I am glad I checked here this morning. I will look at the websites listed. My favorite "Go-To" is www.eatingwell.com./ Not metric, but lots of great ideas. I am new to MFP, but have used many recipes from Eating Well because they are so good. Also, made a great "Grilled Bean Burger" from Taste of Home. Just Google it. Keep…
  • Like most others here on MFP, I have been on WW many times( and plenty of others "diets" ) and had been somewhat successful. But with loss of income and other reasons, it was not possible to keep spending the $$ at WW. While having dinner with a friend recently- also a WW lifer- she told me about MFP. The next day I signed…
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