aisha786 Member


  • Thank you so much!! I appreciate your input. You all inspire me. I only do my elliptical and that's great, it's just I need some variation plus I won't have an elliptical at my disposal on my vacation. I'll try the jog/walk approach first until I find myself being able to jog more and then work the jog a little faster.…
  • I'm all full of questions :) I have a hard time running. I do very well on my elliptical machine, except my feet fall asleep just like on the treadmill. For some reason, I have a hard time breathing, want to vomit, get side cramps, get fatigued after like a minute, thirsty like anything, and it's just the worst exercise on…
  • Oh gosh. And everyone was saying my 90 mins a day was too much lol. 8 hours... I can't fathom it. I mean one day? maybe. Not everyday except one.
  • How many hours a day and how many times a week did they exercise?
  • Thanks for your help. I must have confused you. I've lost 12 pounds and have LOTS more to go. I am 176 and actually need to be under 145 as 145 is the very top of what would be normal weight. Ideally, and that should be toned, not just all fat and all. I don't really know what the weight should be but I'm shooting for a…
  • I've been using my elliptical machine, which I love. Once I wished someone would come and just carve the fat off of me, and I realized that's what my machine is, my personal fat carver. Ok gross joke. Anyway, I have exactly 3 weeks until I go on vacation out of the country. Back in 2007, I got new clothes, tailored just…
  • Thank you so much!! That was super helpful.
  • I am way under on the carbs and over on the fat and protein. I am eating the number of calories including my exercise cals. If I feel hungrier then I exericse more to get more food and then eat those cals. Is it essential to eat only what they've made as my goal in order for me to lose weight?
  • Oh I mean, the prescribed number of carbs, protein, fat, and calories, not the other vitamins / minerals. I'm sorry I had a hard time wording what I was asking :)
  • You know how the food diary has columns of carbs, fat, protein, and calories and then it tells you how many you're supposed to eat in each given category? Am I suppose to eat that exact distribution of each? And if I don't then will I not lose weight? Thanks Aisha
  • thank you everyone. I think probably you're right about the fiber. I think I'm getting less than 10 grams a day in from what I can tell. I'll add that to something to track. I'm exercising well so probably not getting enough fiber and maybe the iron pills.
  • I know I know this is way tmi. What do you recommend? What is safe and healthy? I have never done it. I've been constipated for 4 days now. I drink 12 10oz glasses of water a day. Any recs?
  • I bought a new scale, a digital one called Thinner from LNT the other day. I am really disturbed because it shows 5-6 pounds more than my other one. I think it's accurate too because I weighed my children and there is no way my baby is 5-6 pounds heavier on that scale without it being accurate. I took him to the doctor…
  • Ahhhh I think I've got it! I think you're right. In doing the math, I think 2 pounds a week is hard to do every week until every last pound. What I figured is by January though I would have the weight off if I was able to. I just don't think I can go that hard for that long. What would you all recommend for calories per…
  • Hi, I am confused about how I am going to lose 2 pounds per week. Something is wrong in my thinking so please tell me where that is ;) My BMR is 1592. My caloric goal is 1200 for MFP. I want to lose 2 pounds a week. So, if I reduce my calories to 1200, that creates a deficit of only 392. So that means 2800 cals per week.…
  • My goodness was it so hard. I was thinking to eat something... I was thinking cereal, but I can't really just eat a bowl. I'll eat it until my stomach hurts, yes binging on it. Then I was like ok, I can't do this to myself. I have to do the right thing. It was soooooo hard. So I grabbed the precut broccoli (raw) and I…
  • I am trying to make a list here of the most filling, lowest calorie foods to add into my snacks and maybe lunch. I was hoping to keep the foods 100 cals or less, if not, we can try for 200 cals or less? What do you think?
  • I am not completely sure. Sometimes I wait too long to eat and then I am ravingly hungry. Many times when I eat, I eat until it hurts in my stomach. And if I'm eating ice cream, that's a LOT of ice cream to eat until it hurts. Why do I feel like I should keep eating? Sometimes it's because i eat in front of the computer. I…
  • I'm also fighing the urge to binge. I dont know what happens. I don't feel so hungry every time I do it, but I just want to eat. Why can't I just eat when I'm actually hungry and have it ready before I get hypoglycemic like so I don't eat everything in the house, namely the BAD things. I really hate this about myself.…
  • So my husband and I made a weight loss challenge competition between us. He's sure he's going to win, and I'm sure I'm going to win. We have witnessed weigh ins every 10 days and the comptetition lasts for a month. Whoever wins gets $100 from the other person. Whoever wins the 10 day weigh ins gets a 2 scoop ice cream…
  • I think the idea itself is great! For my craving crisis, I've chopped up some cauliflower and brocoli for when I feel like binging. So basically yeah today I binged on cauliflower. I only ate probably a cup though. The crunchiness helped.
  • Many times it's hard to fit in more than 20 minutes at a time because I have a 2 year old and a 5 month old. There will be days when I can get a longer stretch. (I only do ellliptical machine) So, I was wondering if it is better to exercise two times a day 20 minutes each OR once a day for 20 minutes?
  • Gosh you are all so supportive and nurturing. I am sure many feel like I do about their weight in that it's such a sensative area and really has so much relationship with how we feel about ourselves and our happiness. It does for me anyway. I want to do what is best for me and for my baby of course. He was born…
  • Thank you both very much :) The thing is that I lost down to 170 after a few weeks of delivering and I got hungry and ate when I was hungry. I gained 8 pounds by increasing my food. I wasn't monitoring my calories, so maybe I was eating too much of the wrong things which was cereal, rice, and some sweetish things. For some…
  • Thanks everyone.. I'll probably eat a little snack before and then maybe an hour afterwards. I'm usually only thirsty after so eating would be a challenge immediately after.
  • I'm utterly confused about what to do. My son is a little over 2 months old and I exclusively breastfeed, no supplementing from anywhere and I plan to continue until he's well over a year old. I also have PCOS and have never been able to lose weight unless I adjust my carb intake to include wholewheat foods instead of…
  • Do you eat before or after exercising? Any benefit one way or the other?
  • You know, I loved my elliptical from day one. It is easier for me physically than plain walking. My feet fall asleep when I walk for too long. It's always been like this, even when I was in my early 20s. Plus it hurts my legs to walk. I can go on and on and on like the energizer bunny, except if I am trying to get an…
  • Oh nooo... so you're telling me if, for example: My daily calories goal is 1200 but I exercise and burn off 300, then I HAVE to eat those 300 calories back? So ultimately I have to eat 1500 calories to lose weight if it's the case with the scenario given? And if I don't then I will either gain or not lose at all? Someone…
  • I would end up eating every bag on the shelf. I have no control. So I just have to say no. I hate it..but it's true.