

  • I've used Mirena for the last 8 years. Every 5 years, you have to have it replaced. My insurance covers the insertion, but not the removal (go figure!). I don't think it caused me to gain weight, but I've been overweight most of my life so it's hard to say if it will for you. I would recommend it to anyone. There's no way…
  • Thanks for the reply. What is your definition of a moderate amount? I am consuming about 70-100 grams of carbs per day. Is that good? I have yet to see a professional nutritionist, but it's on my list of things to do. :) And what's worse is that my husband is eating the same as me, but he's sleeping comfortably right now,…
  • I love the app, too. It really puts things into perspective when you see the numbers totaling up. I think more now about what I actually eat, instead of guessing it's not really that bad. Congratulations, sounds like you're well on your way to 250! Keep it up! :)
  • KateClivex, Thanks for the advice. I was a bit surprised by your comment about no more sodas. Is that your preference, or can carbonated beverages not be tolerated with a sleeve? I've done a lot of research but that's the first I've heard of that. But I guess that's not too terrible. I enjoy a diet soda now and then, but…
  • Hi JillyinAZ! Thanks for the advice. I will definitely take advantage of all the support I can get. I am paying for the sleeve out of my own pocket (well, borrowing against my 401K...), so I think that is also going to motivate me to do my best and listen to all instructions by my doctor. My husband and I decided that we…
  • From what I understand, you have your youth on your side. The older you get the less elastic your skin is. So if you're only in your twenties, you should be good. But for me, I'd rather have loose skin and be healthy than have rolls and be unhealthy. :)
  • I used to do Zumba at the gym and loved it. It was the only exercise that I've ever found to be FUN. Then my knee gave out on me. Too much strain on it, I guess. I stopped Zumba because of the pain and gained the weight back. I really miss it, and once I get some of this weight off I am hoping to start it up again.…
  • Hi there, I joined a couple of weeks ago, and then forgot about it. Yesterday I went to the doctor and he suggested that I limit my carbs, so here I am again! This time I am going to keep it up. I need to get healthy, and the only way that is going to happen is if I get rid of this excess weight. My hubby is very…