emilyasylum Member


  • I heard NZ is like Canada so i definitely want to visit there!! Whats it like being at week 7? Ive just started back on clean eating and a regular exercise regime. I put on some more weight while i was overseas and thought it was time to do something about it. Im also a shift worker so trying to get into a normal routine…
  • im in scummy mayfield! yay me lol
  • I live in Newcastle. I wish I was up in QLD especially in the winter time. NZ is a beautiful place it wouldve been a hard place to leave. I think these forums are a great way to support eachother and I love hearing other peoples journeys, its good that you have found a routine for yourself :) How long have you been on your…
  • Im Emily and im 24 and live in Australia. Ive lost weight with this site before and decided to come back to it cos I want to lose more and I feel like im capable at doing it again. I was diagnosed with PCOS in my early teens and went up about 4 dress sizes so I just want to get back to a nice curvy size. I admire plus size…
  • Im new aswell, I have sent you a request. Supporting eachother will help us stay on track with our goals :)