rikkiolmstead Member


  • From time to time things like that happen. If your not getting enough calories, too much exercise, our hormones being off, and even stress can make our periods irregular. I had a year where my periods all but stopped. I was told by my ob/gyn that if I went over 3 months that they would give me medication. Then after that…
  • I am also starting over (again) I have started over several times. Last time after I lost some I ended up pregnant, I had my daughter November 2012. So now its time to get back at it. I have well over 100+ lbs to get off. I am always looking for more motivation and help to just keep going.
  • I have been awhile for awhile off and on but this time I HAVE to get this weight off for good. Feel free to add me could always use more motivation!
  • I am needing to lose 100+ pounds but my first goal is to lose my left over baby weight. I had a baby in Nov. 2012 and have yoyo the 20 that I gained. I have been trying to lose for a long time and keep gaining back. I need the encouragement to keep going this time.